sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

Alexis e Lauren juntas novamente

A revista Entertainment Weekly fez uma sessão fotográfica com a Alexis e a Lauren comemorativa dos 10 anos de Gilmore Girls. Aqui estão as duas meninas, juntas novamente!!! LNDASSSSS de morrer!!!!

O que elas dizem sobre se acham que a Lorelai e o Luke tiverem um filho:

Alexis Bledel: I think so

Lauren Graham: Oh, really? Yes, probably.

Alexis Bledel: Maybe, like, two.

Lauren Graham: Two? Well, oh my goodness, we just got busy really fast! We didn’t even have the wedding.

Alexis Bledel: Well, it’s what the audience wanted.

Lauren Graham: All right, wel then, hey – we probably got married in year one. We’ve been away from the show three years. We had kid one in year two, and we had kid two in year three. That’s what Alexis says, and I am very overwhelmed by my toddlers.

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Cláudia disse...

Lindas (;

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